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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: DC currents of Becker.cmap, DC CURRENTS OF BECKER 3. TGD based model for the findings of Becker relies on the following observa- tions. a) The crucial question concerns the role of electrons. It seems that in all situation electron flow to the dama- ged tissue induces healing. Why elec- trons generating negative potential should help in healing? b) Pollack's findings about fourth phase of water formed when external energy feed induces formation of nega- tively charged exclusion zones of water obeying stoichiometry H1.5O with 1/4:th of protons going to the comple- ment of exclusion zone. Something si- milar might happen also now. c) In TGD framework this process is ex- plained as a formation dark phase of protons at the magnetic flux tubes as- sociated with the exclusion zone with dark protons realizing genetic code so that one obtains what might be regar- ded as primitive primordial life form. d) There is evidence for a huge ano- malous gravimagnetic Thomson field in rotating super conductors. Thomson field is proportional to squa- re of Planck constant h_eff and TGD explanation is that large h_gr phase is formed at gravitational flux tubes. The assumption h_gr=h_eff in ele- mentary particle and atomic scales is possible and is consistent with the hypothesis that biophotons in visible and UV energy range correspond to decay products of dark EEG photons. e) h_gr can be generalized to h_em= -Z_1Z_2e^2/v_0: v_0 would be typical rotational velocity in a system with opposite charges Z_1 and Z_2. Exclusion zone would be good example. For ATP v_0 would be rotational velo- city of ATP. For exclusion zone v_0 could be rotational velocity of Cooper pairs in magnetic field associated with flux tubes or walls. Z_2=-Z_1 is natu- ral assumption by charge neutrality., DC CURRENTS OF BECKER 2. Second class of experiments used artificial electric currents to regenerate body parts. Nowadays the currents are used to induce healing or retard tumor growth. For hu- mans spontaneous regeneration occurs only in the fractures of long bones. a) It was found that the applied current was able to change the direction of head-tail axis correlating with the sign of electric field along this direction. Tissue regeneration oc- curs only if some minimum amount of tissue s present suggesting that CNS plays some ro- le even neural activity is absent. Repeated needling of the stump had positive effect on regeneration and DC current was found to be proportional to innervation. b) Regeneration involves de-differentiation of cells to form blastema from which the regene- rated tissue is formed. Becker concluded that this process is rather simple process whereas the regeneration proper is a complex self-or- ganization process involving control signals from CNS, involving also potential waves. c) Regeneration is possible in salamanders but not in frogs. Comparing potentials in an am- puted leg of frog and salamander Becker found that potential goes from negative poten- tial of -1 mV to a positive value and then back to its original value in case of from but to -10 mV in the case of salamander and returns af- ter that to -1 mV. Artifical electron current induced regeneration also in the case of frog, even in denervated situation. The flow of elec- trons to the stump seems to be necessary for the formation of blastema. d) So called neuroepidermal junction was ne- cessary for regeneration even in presence of denervation. Electronic current was assigned to the interface between CNS and tissue. Regeneration seems to be a local process., DC CURRENTS OF BECKER 2. Second class of experiments used artificial electric currents to regenerate body parts. Nowadays the currents are used to induce healing or retard tumor growth. For hu- mans spontaneous regeneration occurs only in the fractures of long bones. a) It was found that the applied current was able to change the direction of head-tail axis correlating with the sign of electric field along this direction. Tissue regeneration oc- curs only if some minimum amount of tissue s present suggesting that CNS plays some ro- le even neural activity is absent. Repeated needling of the stump had positive effect on regeneration and DC current was found to be proportional to innervation. b) Regeneration involves de-differentiation of cells to form blastema from which the regene- rated tissue is formed. Becker concluded that this process is rather simple process whereas the regeneration proper is a complex self-or- ganization process involving control signals from CNS, involving also potential waves. c) Regeneration is possible in salamanders but not in frogs. Comparing potentials in an am- puted leg of frog and salamander Becker found that potential goes from negative poten- tial of -1 mV to a positive value and then back to its original value in case of from but to -10 mV in the case of salamander and returns af- ter that to -1 mV. Artifical electron current induced regeneration also in the case of frog, even in denervated situation. The flow of elec- trons to the stump seems to be necessary for the formation of blastema. d) So called neuroepidermal junction was ne- cessary for regeneration even in presence of denervation. Electronic current was assigned to the interface between CNS and tissue. Regeneration seems to be a local process., DC CURRENTS OF BECKER 4. Why DC currents are needed? a) The damage of the tissue means that the h_eff =h_em =Z^2e^/v_0 is reduced for a pair formed by damaged sys- tem and its complement. The parameter Z^2 is reduced and must be increased to its ori- ginal value and perhaps even to a higher value since the larger ger the value of h_eff is, the richer the negentropic resources of system are. b) The transfer of elecrons to the system analogo-us to exclu- sion zone induces transfer of dark protons to the magnetic flux quanta of the magnetic body of the system. I have considered also other models for the situation. a) The voltages in mV range cor- respond to Josephsone energies much below thermal energy so that the idea about the pairs of systems with voltage between them does not look attractive. b) meV energies do not suggest interpretation in terms of meta- bolism. c) Metabolic machinery uses electron transport chain to generate ATP to which metabolic lic energy from nutrients is loa- ded. The naive guess was that DC currents provide more elec- rons to make metabolism more effective., DC CURRENTS OF BECKER 5. Are DC currents ohmic currents or could they be supracurrents. a) Temperature dependence of the conductivity supports electro- nic ohmi current hypothesis. b) If supracurrents are in question the resistance should not depend on length of the current carrying flux tube since resistance would come only from the ends. For mic- rotubular conduction pathways this is true. If the DC currents flow along microtubular pathways the they could be supra currents. c) Meridians would be could guess for the conduction pathways and maybe identifiable in terms of mic- rotubular pathways. Acupuncture points would be nodes carrying ne- gative charges and the effects of acupunture might be due to the increase of the negative charge in turn increasing h_em for the acu- punture point., DC CURRENTS OF BECKER 1. Becker postulated that living systems could be regarded as a semiconductor with DC currents running only in single direction. First class of observations of Becker relate to neural system. a) Potential differences occur in vario- us bodily scales. Potential differences are in mV range.CNS and perineural tissue form a dipole structure (CNS ↔+), there is electric field along axon (dendrites↔ -) and along microtubu- les. Also frontal brain is in negative potential with respect to occipital lobes (frontal brain↔-) . The strength of the electric field correlates with the level of consciousness. b) This structure looks fractal: consi- der only cell and negative charges of biomolecules such as DNA. c) Brain injury generates positive pola- rization so that neurons cease to func- tion in the area of injury. Sensory sti- muli induced negative shifts and sleep positive ones in the potential. Very small voltages and currents can mo- dulate the firing of neuron without ef- fect on membrane potential. The sign of generating potentials correlates with the sensory input. The hypothesis is that these electric fields are accompa- nied by DC currents and biosystem is semiconductor.